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Fee & Payment

2021 2nd edition information coming soon

- Method of payment

Students admitted to the course must login to INFOSTUD:

Click on “Corsi di Formazione”, then “TASSE -Immatricolazioni” (on the left side of the screen; under item “Tasse”), enter the code indicated on the call for application, click on “Avanti/Accetta” and then “Genera Bollettini”.

Tuition fees must be paid within the deadline indicated in this call (see How to Enrol) by presenting the payment slip downloaded from INFOSTUD at any UniCredit branch located throughout the country and can be made:

oppure tramite il Servizio pagamenti PagoPA.

Tuition fees will be refunded if the Course is not activated. To obtain a refund, students should write to the Director of the Course.


– Payments by Third Parties (companies, agencies, etc.)

Third party sponsors must make payments, in the amount specified on the slip downloaded from Infostud by the beneficiary, via wire transfer to:

IBAN code: IT71 I 02008 05227 000400014148
Corporation Code: 9011778
Unicredit University Treasury – Agency 30660
Bank Name: UniCredit S.p.A
Address: P.le Aldo Moro, 5, 00185, Roma
Swift (Bic) Code: UNCRITM1153

The payment description must include:
"FORM (course code)  MATR. (student registration number)".

Please note: if making a wire transfer from a Unicredit branch, please also include the University account number: 1001.

This is necessary to match payments to beneficiaries. In the case of more than one beneficiary, the payment description must include all of the beneficiaries' registration numbers. Once the wire transfer has been sent, an email with all the sponsor's details (Company name, VAT number/fiscal code, address, name, surname and registration number of beneficiary/beneficiaries) must be sent to; once the payment has arrived, the university accounting offices will send a receipt of the payment to the specified address.

To fund the enrolment of one or more students in the Course, organizations should contact: