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Horizon 2020 Project - Sun4All, solar energy for everyone


Sun4All is a European project, which aims to make renewable energy more accessible thanks to the Energy Communities!

In Rome, 200 families benefit from solar energy produced by photovoltaic panels installed on municipal sites.

The clean energy produced is fed back into the local electricity grid and Sun4All participants receive an economic benefit without installing a new plant.

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Three years of Sun4All in the Rome pilot: the video with beneficiaries, participants, and mentors. 

The Horizon 2020 Sun4All project, "solar for all," has conducted meetings over two years in the territory of the municipality of Rome with citizens, associations, and third-sector organizations. Twelve communities of approximately 200 citizens in socio-economic vulnerability have been reached across eight municipalities, through 36 training and informational workshops on domestic energy efficiency, 2 site visits, and 4 webinars. 

All of this aims to initiate the establishment of Renewable Energy Communities (RECs). During the engagement activities coordinated by the research center CITERA's working group and in collaboration with the Social Policies and Health Department of Rome Capitale, video interviews were collected. 

In the video published here, different profiles of users who participated in the project—beneficiaries, participants, and mentors—share their perspectives on Sun4All. A heartfelt thank you to everyone for their participation in the project.



Publish the Second Edition of Home Energy Efficiency Cards for Combating Energy Poverty

Sun4all sheets

Thanks to the contribution of the European H2020 Sun4All project, the second edition of the home energy efficiency cards for combating energy poverty has been released. This is a product of the Rome pilot in collaboration with CITERA, Sapienza University of Rome.

This second edition of the cards, written in both English and Italian, has been enriched with a new sheet on wood-fired generators. Given the success of the first edition's presentation at both national and international levels, it was decided to provide useful advice on managing wood-fueled appliances as well. The energy efficiency and comfort of all appliances in a home can be improved with small actions, resulting in tangible savings, especially for vulnerable population groups.

You can download the PDF file of the sheets in English for free here.

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